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Question, how can death penalty be reversed? How to undo?

#Again about "Death penalty "#
Really that kind of penalty sounds so horrible to me. TV news keeps on informing that 58 prisoners are now waiting for their darkest day as death penalty to them will be executed. And it won't belong. Now the shadow of guns, the triggers of which pulled is dogging them around and less than a second they'll be dead. What a horrible thing! Yes, it is.
My question is if one day fact researchers find proofs telling that some of them are not guilty or may be guilty but the crime they commited should not be a death penalty, then can they come to
be alive again?

- Before the prisoners are executed by the government, they were finding out the proof which show that they are guilty, I think. So, in this case, the government will never take the conclusion without discussion or searching the problem.

- Someone's life is not something to take unseriously. I believe the government has collected enough proofs that they're sentencing death penalty to the prisoners occurred to me that the government should give some religious/spiritual courses to prisoners so that, hopefully, they would take death is something not to be afraid of.

- They will resurrected for sure, when the time is right, the promised time that even the wrong done to a hornless goat by horned one will be redressed, let alone wrong done to human being. we believe it, don't we?