What mandatory class do you think should be taught in high school that is not
What mandatory class do you think should be taught in high school that is not?
1. Maybe Financial Life skills....it's about obtaining loans, opening bank accounts, doing your taxes, making budgets etc.
Or, why don't we try to keep the few classes that are taught? my school is actually removing geography from the curriculum claiming it to be "unnecessary" when no one in my AP government class knew that l Libya was in Africa or that there are students that think the U.K., England, and Britain are completely different countries among other very sad examples i don't even want to get into
2. We should have more appreciation for the arts. Music, art, drama etc. make an art class mandatory as a freshman before they become jaded. Maybe that will give them a reason to show up for school
3. True Life Skills, including how to apply for college, how to balance a budget, pay your taxes, firearm safety, how to look for a house or place to stay, things along those lines would be taught in this class. I'd also make it a class that they take all through high school, after all, many high schools have a homeroom period (or something like that) forannouncements, they can also put it to more good use teaching real skills a person needs to survive.
4. How about a class about argumentation? That teaches students about debates, logical fallacies and biases. It would be very interesting and help students develop skeptical and scientific mindset, which is mandatory for a fully functional human being.
5 Mandatory foreign language class should be taught from 1st grade until high school. Spanish, or Mandarin. Once you pick your language you can't change it.
Critical thinking. it should be taught every year at every grade level alongside math and reading.
6. I think there should be a series of courses taught each semester throughout each student's HS career. They should focus around:basic life skills (cooking, cleaning and basic home maintenance)personal finance (balancing bank accounts, budgeting, saving/investing)civil service (volunteering, voting laws and basic civics)Sex Ed & basic human biologyNutritionAnd more.
Free schools don't WANT to teach people.. the govt in many places WANTS to keep people dumb frustrated angry and superstitious..the communist regimes in Europe made the mistake of educating people.. modern powerful hegemonic countries NEED dumb wrong headed nodding dog cannon fodder to run in the direction the officer class points it's finger at.. anti intellectualismis a great way to create generations of tools